
Porn Traffic Surges 441%: Stats from Asia & Beyond

Pornography is one of the first and most popular forms of internet material. According to research, approximately 4.41% of all internet traffic is dedicated to pornography.

Pornography was one of the first forms of content to be published online. Despite the fact that pornography is extensively consumed in every corner of the world, there are noticeable variations between countries. For instance, Singapore and Kuwait have the most number of pages viewed per visit, whereas Hong Kong has the highest average length of time spent on pornographic websites.

On the other hand, Australia and Pakistan are two of the countries that consume the least amount of pornography.Reddit is the social media platform that is responsible for the most amount of traffic that is sent to websites that contain pornographic content. This is probably as a result of the fact that Reddit is one of the most popular social media websites in the entire world, with over 330 million monthly active members.

There is no question that pornography is a large component of the internet, despite the fact that it is a contentious issue to discuss. Regardless of whether you believe pornography to be a positive or detrimental influence, it is essential to be aware of the extent to which it is practised and the effects it has.

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