
Mr Cat Poop in HK: As Good As It Gets?

In Hong Kong, the name of the movie As Good as it Gets was translated into Cantonese as Mr. Cat Poop. It is believed that it originated from the name Melvin, which, when said in Cantonese, sounds extremely identical to the phrase for cat crap that is commonly used in the language.

1997 saw the debut of this film, which featured Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt in starring roles. James L. Brooks was the one in charge of the direction.

The film grossed more than $350 million throughout its run in theaters across the United States, where it had tremendous popularity. However, it did not enjoy a significant amount of popularity in Hong Kong.Some individuals are of the opinion that the movie's lackluster performance in Hong Kong can be traced back to an inaccurate translation of the title.

Some people have the opinion that the movie wasn't very excellent at all.In Hong Kong, the movie As Good as it Gets was not a commercial success for whatever reason. It's a shame, because the movie ends up being really entertaining overall.

But at least we can make light of the ridiculous attempt at translating the title.

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