
Daisy & Violet Hilton Die 2-4 Days Apart from Hong Kong Flu

Daisy Hilton and her sister Violet Hilton were born in 1908 in Brighton, England, in the United Kingdom.

They were conjoined twins, which means that their hips were physically connected together. This condition is extremely rare. The girls were sold by their mother not long after they were born since they came from a poor family and their mother could not afford to keep them.

They were acquired by a man named Charles Tripp, who subsequently used them in his travelling freak show across the country.The girls performed across a number of countries, including the United States and Europe, and appeared in a number of films. They enjoyed a good deal of success due to their widespread appeal.

On the other hand, Tripp did not treat them very well at all; he frequently beat them and kept them in deplorable conditions.

After Tripp was imprisoned in 1931 for the kidnapping of another woman, the girls were ultimately rescued from his custody the following year. They continued their tour on their own and reported feeling significantly happier as a result.The girls continued their tour schedule until 1970, when they finally called it quits. They were pretty close to one another and lived together in North Carolina.

The tragic deaths of Daisy and Violet Hilton in 1969, which occurred only a few days apart from one another, were both attributed to complications caused by the Hong Kong flu. They had only 61 years under their belts.Daisy and Violet Hilton were two remarkable women despite the challenging life that they both had to lead. They were resolute and courageous, and as a result, they were an inspiration to people all around the world. They will be remembered for their bravery as much as their tenacity.

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