
Hong Kong: Forbidden Love Affairs

Acceptance is the prevailing sentiment in Hong Kong with regard to various forms of adultery. It is generally accepted that men will have mistresses at some point in their lives, and that this is not something to be ashamed of. In Hong Kong, there is a hierarchy of mistresses, with the wife being at the bottom of the list.

Next comes the concubine, then the prostitute, and ultimately the affair that is kept a secret. Because it is the one that you desire but can't have, the affair that is kept a secret is considered to be the most attractive. This mindset is a direct result of the traditional function that mistresses have had in Chinese society.

Mistresses have always been a part of Chinese society, and while they were frequently regarded as a necessary evil, this perception has changed little through time. A man could have a mistress so that he has someone to take care of his sexual demands and someone to provide companionship for him at the same time. The man's mistress would typically come from a lower social class than the man, and she would be economically reliant on the man for her survival.

This indicated that she would remain faithful to him and would not make any attempts to meddle with his life or create any difficulties for him.As progress was made toward recognizing women's rights in the 20th century, the traditional function of mistresses began to shift. Mistresses were no longer considered to be the necessary evils that they once were, and this led to an improvement in their position.

They were considered to be companions and friends, and the relationship that they shared with their lovers was regarded as being more equal. The treatment of mistresses in Hong Kong shifted to match this shift in mentality, which was reflected in the city's culture.Acceptance and tolerance are the prevailing sentiments in Hong Kong with regard to mistresses.

It is generally accepted that men will have mistresses at some point in their lives, and that this is not something to be ashamed of. In Hong Kong, there is a hierarchy of mistresses, with the wife being at the bottom of the list. Next comes the concubine, then the prostitute, and ultimately the affair that no one knows about.

Because it is the one that you desire but can't have, the affair that is kept a secret is considered to be the most attractive. This mentality is a direct result of the traditional function that mistresses have played in Chinese society.

Sir John Bowring: 100 Languages & 4th Gov of Hong Kong
19th Century Gov's 100 Languages in Hong Kong