
Bruce Lee Invites Jim Kelly to Hong Kong Movie

Bruce Lee approached Jim Kelly, the actor who played Williams in Enter the Dragon, and urged him to co-star in his upcoming film, which would take place in Hong Kong and will be shot there.Due to the fact that it was an offer to star in a movie directed by Bruce Lee, this was a pivotal event in Kelly's career. Lee was already a major celebrity in Hong Kong, and his films were beginning to earn a following in Western countries.

At first, Kelly was concerned since he wasn't absolutely certain that he wanted to uproot his life and go to Hong Kong from Hollywood. On the other hand, he ultimately decided to accept the part after Lee successfully convinced him to do so.THE GAME OF DEATH was the title of the film that they collaborated on together and it was released in the year 1978.

Despite the fact that Kelly only had a minor part in the film, this was a pivotal point in his professional life.Because the movie was so well received, Kelly's reputation as a skilled actor was bolstered as a direct result of its popularity. In addition to this, it demonstrated that he was prepared to take risks, which is a quality that will serve him well in his future professional endeavours.

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